Friday, December 24, 2010

"Some people leave a mark on you that you can never remove..."
I know that post probably wasnt about me, it was probably about one of the other dozen girls you have falling at your feet. It just struck a nerve within me, a nerve buried deep in my heart. The nerve that will always tinge whenever I see your picture, or day dream about what could have been. I really do hope your having an amazing time, and experiencing so much adventure. I do wish I was with you sometimes, a lot of times really, but I can never forgive myself for how things went. I still believe you are one of my soul mates, someone I was meant to meet, and to be held by and loved by... I still love you, I know I always will. I've comtimplated sending you a message to ask how you are, but I know you will only think Im trying to mess you up again, which is what I will probably do reguardless of what I actually mean to. I just really want you to know that I think about you all the time, and I miss us. I miss you. I really hope one day we can meet again, but until then, Ill bury you in my heart and memories, and continue to question the choices I've made. 

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