Sunday, December 26, 2010


It has been brought to my attention that there are women out there in the world referring to their genitals as 'Stirred Hams'. I have just got to question "Why?".
Our genitalia is already relatively unattractive, so why would you want to refer to it as a stirred piece of animal carcase?
I wonder how some people think they are being funny by putting ridiculous names to body parts. Granted, some names are rather hilarious, though most are simply disgusting or degrading.
A male colleague of mine was just as much appalled as I was to hear that another colleagues girlfriend refereed to her "down stairs" as a 'Stirred Ham', and sure we joke about it, a lot, but there is always a under laying hint of disgust at the thought of it. No man wants to go down on a pig, well none that I know anyway, and they certainly would not want to make love to one either.
I'm going to be blunt here... if you refer to your vagina as a stirred ham, you are either a) a fat pig that enjoys being 'porked' by spoons or forks, b) a woman with a very poor sense of femininity and not a great deal of self or gender respect, or c) a townie bitch that thinks she is being clever by using bigger words than the four letter word that starts with C that she would usually use. If you are a c) you will definitely fall into the same category as b) as well, and most likely a bit of a).
Ladies, and I realise that ladies do not use such descriptive language to refer to any area's of their bodies, especially as pieces of deceased farm animals, please, please refrain from using the term 'Stirred Ham'. It is disgusting.
Have you seen a ham stirred before? I haven't, but I know that even though a vagina is not very pretty, its sure as hell looks better than ham, any day.

<<<Who would want to make love to that?


Anonymous said...

I thought we were promoting the use of stirred ham lol from L

Anonymous said...

and also i hope said gf does not facebook stalk me find this link that some strange girl has posted on my facebook and tear me a new one when i see her next from L

Miss Kyla-Maree said...

Im going to edit it a little. was a little cranky when I blogged it ^_^

Anonymous said...

bahahaha who were u angry at??? - L

Miss Kyla-Maree said...

eh no one special..