Sunday, January 2, 2011

kyla. thank you for being there for me through 2010 and helping me when i needed you like when i moved out of brendons and keeping me company at home and what not. i think your a beautifil girl who has an amazing mind, big heart and very deep. i enjoy reading your blog. and actually i love everything about us. i wish we had more time for eachother and that is something id like to improve on this year. im glad that we will be saying goodbye to last year and taking on this year together. your a great house mate and a friend and i love you and care about you greatly. i hope this year your find happiness and acceptance with yourself. i know you are chasing perfecion but i think you are perfect as is. i wish you could see yourself the way i see you. dont let anyone ever mistreat you or disreguard you because you only deserve the best. xx
-Lana Ski

I Love You Too

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