Sunday, January 2, 2011

My 2010::

Holiday in Brunswick heads. So in love with HIM. confused. depressed. determined. confused. depressed. cut. nearly ran away. broken hearted. broke a heart. Alone. Family trip to Great Barrier Reef. Dreamt the first few months away. Reconnected with a school friend. She's not eating. In control. I can do this. Bakery doesnt help my problem. Getting thinner. Lost control. I want to die. Getting confident. Take a red pill. Call HIM. Cry. Smile. Laugh. Things are getting better.Try out of X factor. Disappointed. Binge. Purge. Never see HIM again. Feeling used. Understand. Self esteem on a low.Gets back in control. Im winning. Write. Write. Write. Nearly finish book. Bakery makes this hard. Depressed. Help friend move out. Move in with friend. So out of control. Get some help. Doesnt help. Interstate concert trip. Twelve weeks down the drain. Meet a boy. He seems cool. Used me and took me for a fool. Lost boy. Met another. Waste of time. Alone again. Im fine. Cycle continues. Police force. Study study. Find a new passion. Still yearning for perfection. Just go with the flow. Make the effort with a old friend. Gym. Getting thin. Lose control. Why can't I win? Second job. Medical center. Get a kitten. There for my best friend. Go to birthday party. Meet a man. We exist but we're taking it slow. Lose 5 kilo's. Back to start point. Get messy. Hit head on mail box. pass out.

Goodbye 2010... Hello 2011.
Please... be better.

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