Saturday, February 19, 2011

Death Grip In My Veins

Demonic Eyes,
Lustrous Lips,Pulsating heart,
faster... faster,
Stone cold skin,
rigid.... coarse,
Eyes glowing as be-cones for your soul.

Touch of your blood soaked lips,
Feel of your body pressed against mine,
As worlds tear us apart,
Hearing your screams of love from behind.
I cry out for my dearest love,
Reaching and tearing through time,
Hands connecting in a world of pain,
We can not let go.
This is not all it can be,
There must be something more,Two lifetimes away can't hold us apart,
My life force losing your connection.

Tears of fire,
Screaming down my face,
Scorching everything in their path,
Blinding me for eternity.

Memories of you storm my shores,
Insignificant fights curse my mind,
Hand raising sickle to my sick life,One
Lifeless body dropping solid,
Taste of solitude on my tongue,Essence of death lingers in,
Rigor mortis of limbs commences.

Staring at my old body,
No regrets,
No sorrow,Searching the life of humans,For the blood that beats within you.
Anticipating where you may be,
Endless places they seem,
Forgotten realms could they be,
Infinite possibilities.
Bleeding bright like death,Your blood seeks me,My helpless soul engulfing your body,Your power, your spirit.My voice lingers in your ear,Befriending your scared heart,Creating a strong vale of strength,Protecting you till earths end.
We are intertwining as one,
Our souls binding together,This love for you stronger then any other,My eternity
of guarding you

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