Monday, April 18, 2011


Owl slumped against the rotting door frame; splinters fell to the stone ground as they broke under his weight. His heavy sigh carried through the darkness and rebounded back to meet him off the walls hidden in the night, reassuring the young man that he was finally alone. He had no idea what time it was and out of habit he quickly glanced down at the aged face and the rusted hands of the watch he wore around his slender wrist. It had broken months ago, but he could not afford a new one, or even a repair. Owl was exhausted, he had started long before the sun rise and had worked late into the night.

He let his head hang forward, long blonde strands of fringe curtained his vision before he closed his eyes and sighed again. He revelled in the silence for a long moment and welcomed the cool air of the night as it prickled at his pale flesh, goose-bumbs spread across his bare arms and legs. His heart felt heavy in his chest as his mind cleared of all else besides the sky. The great open unknown that lay outside the confines of The Cage; it called to him and beckoned he come to it. He lusted for nothing more, to feel a cloud sweep through his long hair and to taste the morning air before it fell to the earth below. His heart began to race as his mind carried him away; far away.

  Owl slid further down the frame, the wood groaned under the pressure. He sat on the cold stone with his knees pulled up to his chest with his delicate arms wrapped around himself, as if simply making himself smaller would make it easier to escape. He slipped into a deep slumber moments later, and in his dreams he took flight, never to return...

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