Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kaida & Brennen: The Dragon and The Raven

If nothing could make her happy.
If nothing could make him see.
 If neither of them could make sense of one another, if nothing could set them free.
Where would they be?
Where would it all lead?
Would he continue to sit in silence?
His attention laying else where.
Vengeance fueling his every thought;
his blood thick with hot hatred.
Could she hold back her instincts?
Keep her demons from destroying them both.
Her eyes hold no trust,
her flesh covered in scales the colour of green rust.
Her fragile wings sprouting from burdened shoulders, flimsy in comparison to his large mighty span.
In the dark of the night, he can clear his head.
In the heat of the sun, she commands her demons.
Together in the evening they can face their fears,
he takes her breath and she his heart;
without a second of doubt they promise never to part.
The dragon found her happiness beneath the ravens  strong wing.
The raven found his dark eyes opened to the dragons flare and he could finally see;
the passion shared between them,
could finally set them free.

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