Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I lay on my back on the cool of the floor.
My limbs, they are numb.
The Earth is lonely.
The colours now grey.
I close my eyes, and there you are.
It starts at that moment.
The smile on your face starts the thumping in my chest.
My ribcage vibrates to the rythm of the breathing from your lungs.
Your eyes, they set my heart on fire.
The warmth spreads to every inch of me.
My eye lids flutter, I cannot keep them closed.
I open them to colours I have never experienced before.
A smile parts my lips.
My fingers quiver and toes clench.
I ache for you.
This heart beat echoes through my chest and calls out your name.
The warmth pushes me from the ground and I raise to stand.
I inhale deeply as an echo reaches me from afar.
It's a heart beat matching my own.
I move toward this sound, each step the pounding quickens.
The Earth is no longer empty, I see you standing there.
Our eyes meet and the world falls away, the colours remain.
You pull me in, close and tight.
I can feel your heart through your chest, your breath against my neck.
I'm safe.
I'm happy.
You're all I need to feel these things.
You're all I need.

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