Monday, April 4, 2011

For I am without fear, now that you are here

The moment its plastered in my mind.
The first time I decided that I would give it a try.
The times after that well there's been plenty.
The reasons are obvious and Id rather forget.
The time now has been over a year.
The pathetic thing is I'm still no where near.
The way I have gone, I know it is wrong.
The truth is I don't know who'd I'd be without it.
The questions that plague me, are always the same.
The answers are clear for others but to me their insane.
The countless times I have given up hope.
The endless amount of shimmering doubt.
The end has to be now.
The time has come to go to war.
The battle between myself and I will surely be a sight.
The victor shall bask in the glow of the light.
The light that will either set me free or imprison me eternally.

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