Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This dream was terrible, it made me appreciate you all the more

I was hanging out with some people that had faces of other people I know from real life all joined into one to create a single face/person..
But I could still sense the people that the faces were made up of, so I felt so overwhelmed and surrounded.
The place they took me was a huge skating ring, derby style even...
Reguardless of where I was, you werent there. In this place I don't you even existed...
thats why it was it was so cold..
I was back to where I was only a few months ago, lonely and starved for love and attention. I can't remember all of what happened but I was with this guy, we were having fun, drinking and laughing.
I was convinced he liked me.
Then he took me somewhere dark to have 'more fun'.
His face was twisted, and kept changing into people I know from the past, some male and some female..
He hurt me, I felt empty and hollow and I did not enjoy myself one bit.
The darkness was so heavy, like a weight on my shoulders...
I couldnt breath.
The next moment, he looks at me and insults my intellegence, my body, basically everything I am.
I woke up and I was sad for a long moment, still caught in the emptiness that guy left me in and then I just smiled.
I dont have to worry about things like that anymore... I dont have to care if some random doesnt like me or appreciate me for how/who I am.
Because you do.
You're the only person in this world whose opinion matters to me...
And you seem to think Im worth the time of day so I must be ok :)

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